Become An Ambassador
How it Works
Apply - We want to get to know you. Tell us about yourself & why you'd be a great fit.
Share - Verify your social media accounts.
Create - If approved, we’ll send you complimentary jewelry of your choice!
Post - Share and tag us on Instagram & TikTok at #CasaMitoCampus and #CasaMitoSquad sporting your new jewels .
Benefits & Perks
- Receive complimentary jewelry that represents your sorority.
- Early access to view new products and collections.
- Become eligible for our paid (commission based) VIP Council of Merce.
- Early access to and priority consideration for paid internships.
- Chance to win a $1k, $2k, or $5k scholarship.
Who We Want
- Age 18+
- 2k+ followers on Instagram and/or Tiktok.
- Fashion obsessed creative innovators who love making content.
- On campus trendsetters who are social media obsessed.
- Style icons who can build brand awareness and help spread our message across various social platforms.